2025 TEDS Recital
Students enrolled at TEDS are expected to commit to our end of the year show
Our annual recital is a significant and joyous event that includes all our students. It serves as a platform for our students to showcase the results of their year-long hard work, dedication and progress to their families and friends.
Participating in performances is an essential part of dance training. It not only prepares students for potential careers in dance but also contributes to their overall success in life. Performing builds self-esteem, confidence, and improves social and presentation skills, which can benefit students in their academic and professional pursuits. Additionally, the rehearsal process offers valuable learning experiences, helping students develop retention skills and understand the importance of teamwork.
Our 2025 recital will take place at the Sorenson Center for the Arts at Babson College, a beautiful state-of-the art venue, on the weekend of May 30-June 2, 2025. Dress rehearsals occur at the theatre during the prior week. Please note that participating in the dress rehearsal is mandatory for all students to perform in the recital. We strictly adhere to this policy.
- We are looking for backstage mothers to help the dancers during the rehearsals and performances. A minimum of 2 parents per class are requested to help keep the dancers safe and prepared for each of their dances. We request that backstage mothers commit to at least one dress rehearsal in addition to the corresponding performance(s). Dress Rehearsal is not just a time for the dancers to learn their way around the theater, but for our volunteers to learn as well!- We are also looking for Security and Usher volunteers for all of our performances – these important roles help keep our dancers safe backstage, and guide our audience to their seats, respectively. If you are interested and able to help with any of these positions, please fill out the form below!
All costumes are sized, fitted, and purchased by TEDS, and must be ordered by January 1. A deposit of $65/costume (i.e. one costume per class performing in the recital) will be due November 1. Most costumes cost more than $65, so a balance of approximately $25-$50/costume will be due when you pick them up in April/May.
$75-$100/dancer; $150 family maximum.
The recital fee helps to cover the costs of mounting our performances, including theatre rental, Babson facilities and security staff, TEDS professional stage management and lighting crew, and myriad others. (Does not replace ticket costs.)
STAY TUNED for all Recital rehearsal and show information here!
Tickets will be available to purchase online via TutuTix!